Stress Relief Through Mess at “Design Thru Destruction” Workshop
In spring 2023 Rachel Brask led a new painting workshop for adults of all ages to find stress relief through the process of creating something beautiful, messing it up, letting it go, and then recrafting beauty from the stress of the mess through a series of guided prompts. Participants had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to this new workshop offering, even though it meant going outside their comfort zones and trying something new and different.
Rachel Brask is now booking other sessions of this workshop, so reach out to see about scheduling availability and pricing for your private party, corporate workshop, or creative center about booking a class.

"I was a little anxious prior to class as I do not paint but it was one of the best experiences and would definitely go to another class. Thank you Rachel!" - Participant
“Well -structured lesson; clear instructions; positive energy galore; attention to individuals; checking in; stress relievers; good pacing; fun!" —Participant
“There was a great sense of comfort throughout the whole experience primarily because of Rachel's example. She eased all of us from all of us from the very start knowing many may have been a little outside they are comfort zones.” — Participant
“Your workshop made me feel motivated to get back to making art . . . the experience has stayed with me, and that is the sign of an excellent learning experience!” —Participant