About Gray-Skied Rains
During the creation of this collection of paintings, I started out completely unsure of what direction I was moving in. I had just lost my fathers in the previous several months, was finally picking myself off the floor, and was resuming painting for the first time in almost two years. There was this weird gray area in which I was living, somewhere between trying to move forward but still pulled back by the inertia of immediate grief and uncertainty.
In most of my rain paintings prior to this point, the colors were always bright and atypical of a traditional dismal gray day. In this series, I allowed myself to feel the grayness of those uncertain rain days. I revisited previous rain composition paintings that I had created in years prior, and instead of the blue sky or the sunset sky in the original composition, I substituted a gray sky, to see how the gray blended with the colorful landscapes below as it dripped through the rain, increasing the contrast between the neutral tones and colorful drips.