About 30 Days of April Paintings (2020)

Back at the start of 2020, I had been wanting for awhile to try setting a painting-per-day challenge. Because of how my seasons usually run, I thought that April 2020 would be the perfect time to complete 30 paintings in 30 days. This was before I realized what March 2020 would mean for the rest of the world, and individually for myself.

Since we were indicated to stay home during the covid lockdowns of spring 2020, it made sense that I would still work on 30 paintings in 30 days of April. It gave me something to focus on annd be consistent with, when all the world was shifting chaotically not knowing what was going on with the new pandemic.

For the subjects of this collection, I used some old reference photos of previous trips I hadn’t gotten to you, views of my yard, and places when I walked and hiked when I needed to get out of the house. It became a small community event whereby I had email subscribers that indicated that they enjoyed getting at least one small bit of beauty and color in their inbox in an otherwise hectic and unknown time. At the conclusion of creating all 30 paintings, I held a No-Contact Curbside Art Show on the picket fence outside of my studio. Several paintings found homes that day for very affordable prices, and the occasion gave folks a small reason to walk by an outdoor art gallery when they otherwise couldn’t go to a traditional art gallery or museum.


About Gray-Skied Rains


About Mountain Rains Collection